Healthy Living Archives - Page 3 of 13 - Say Fitness

Healthy Habits for Life: 10 Non-Diet Tips for Weightloss

By | Fitness, Healthy Living, Home Workouts | No Comments

Losing weight and keeping it off long-term isn’t about a quick crash diet or detox — it requires creating lasting habits to lead a healthier lifestyle. This can be particularly challenging during high-stress times when your normal routines get altered. However, by incorporating the 10 tips below you can set yourself up for success for a lifetime — even…

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4 Strategies for Eating in Moderation

By | Fitness, Healthy Living | No Comments

When you’re working on improving your healthy eating habits, some strategies are pretty obvious, such as adding more veggies to each meal and sipping on more water. Other advice, like “eating everything in moderation,” can be a little trickier to define. In other words, what does moderation mean? “Moderation means including…

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