Recent research published in Obesity shows what successful MyFitnessPal users know to be true: Small, simple lifestyle changes, aka micro-goals, can boost your likelihood of losing weight and keeping it off for good. “Micro-strategies are the way to go,” says Keith-Thomas Ayoob, RD. “They’re easy to do, produce small but…
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Walking can definitely move the needle when you’re looking to shed pounds, but it also has lots of other benefits, like fostering creativity, promoting heart health and improving balance. Another oft-overlooked benefit: Walking regularly can help you maintain your weight, especially if you’ve recently shed some pounds. For many people, maintaining weight loss is even more challenging than…
By now most of us know sleep is an essential part of any well-rounded health routine. For many people, improving their sleep means making changes to their sleep schedule, often to help them get more sleep. But shifting your sleep schedule in either direction — earlier or later — can…
Working Out to Relieve Stress Feeling anxious? Everyone responds to stress in different ways, but we all have one thing in common: Regular exercise reduces the harmful effects of stress. Road rage, sleeping too much or too little, bingeing on TV or comfort foods, drinking more alcohol than usual, procrastinating,…
Learn more about Crohn’s disease and how to diet properly. Talk to our on site RDN Karen Varela on how to keep your body healthy and to eat right. She will create an individualized program that works for you and your health needs. Try a new breakfast recipe that is…
Want to make smart food choices but confused by all the health claims, messages and logos on foods? Use these tips to avoid the brain strain while shopping online or in-person at the store. Read food nutrition labels, even for so-called “healthier” foods. Ingredients and nutrient content can vary a lot by…
February is heart month! Here are some tips to have your family be more healthy this month. Try this new breakfast recipe with the family. Want to join a gym but still conscious about staying healthy while working out? Join Say Fitness, with a complimentary session our trainers will show…
Eating and sleeping are basic human needs that go hand in hand in many ways. It’s no surprise that what you eat before going to bed affects the quality of your sleep. “The foods we eat before bed can give us the nudge we need to make good sleep great…
Losing weight and keeping it off long-term isn’t about a quick crash diet or detox — it requires creating lasting habits to lead a healthier lifestyle. This can be particularly challenging during high-stress times when your normal routines get altered. However, by incorporating the 10 tips below you can set yourself up for success for a lifetime — even…
Food is a natural part of so many of our holiday festivities as we exchange tins filled with cookies and fudge, load up the dinner table with comfort foods and toast the New Year with bubbles. In fact, many people gain weight over the holidays, tacking on about 1 pound or 0.5 kilograms — which adds…