This past weekend, Toni and I spoke with a team of roofers about what it means to hydrate “properly”. I’m sure many people have heard the rule to drink 1/2 your body weight in fluid ounces of water each day. That is a great rule to follow but, if you are working/playing/exercising outside, it is just not enough. Ideally, you would replace all the fluid you lost (by sweating) with water. That may be difficult to measure, so about 6-10 ounces for every 10-15 minutes you are in the sun is a good goal.
Do not wait until you feel thirsty to start drinking! At this point, you are already dehydrated! Other signs and symptoms of dehydration include: headache, fatigue, fuzzy thinking, muscle cramps/weakness and dizziness. Dehydration is a serious medical concern! Think of your body like a sponge…without water your muscles start to shrivel up. That headache that you get is actually your brain pulling away from your skull!! The good news is normally as soon as you hydrate these symptoms subside but if you ignore them they will only get worse.
It is also important to hydrate before going outside, especially if you are going to be doing strenuous activity. 16-24 ounces (2-3 cups) of water is a good idea before getting into the sun. If you are going to be out there for a prolonged period of time, you may want to considered a sport drink to replenish electrolytes. Be mindful of sugary drinks as they are generally high in calories and will likely lead to a sugar crash! Listen to your body…if you start to feel “off” take a break from the sun and drink some water!