Introducing our in house Doctor of Physical Therapy, Bozena Pisla-Khalil, PT, DPT or as we call her Dr. Bo.
Originally from Long Island, NY Dr. Bo has been practicing physical therapy for over 20 years. She has a diverse experience including working in private practice, hospitals, and rehab centers. Dr. Bo has received her B.S./PT degree from Hunter College/CUNY, wher she graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1996. She than continued her graduate studies at NYIT (New York Institute of Technology) and in 2009 she graduated with a degree of Doctor of Physical Therapy.
After going through her own specialized treatment with her bilateral shoulder tendinitis, she now has full function for the first time in over 5 years. This inspired her to revamp her own work! She now works only on a concierge fee for service basis. This allows her to deliver more thorough, in-depth, hands on specialized services to clients and therefore getting better results much sooner! She often combines her expert manual and movement based services with cutting edge modern equipment like class IV anti pain/anti inflammation laser and/or shock wave/pressure wave therapy.
Dr. Bo is also bringing to us other ultramodern wellness equipment like infrared and red light therapy bed to deliver Photobuimodulation therapy for the whole body while client relaxes on the bed for only 10 minutes. This provides regenerative, anti-inflammatory, anti pain and anti aging benefits.
Another interesting piece of equipment is Whole Body Vibration (WBV) combined with Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequency (PEMF/Sonic waves therapy) and much more.
Dr. Bo is also fully certified in FMS, Functional Movement Screen, and corrective exercises prescriptions. FMS is a screening tool used to evaluate seven fundamental movement patterns in individuals with no current pain complaint or musculoskeletal injury. It gives opportunity to improve on those patterns as well as to pin point the weakest links (limitation or asymmetry), prevent injuries, and to customize the safest exercise program for a client. However, if a client is experiencing pain, Dr. Bo can utilize a whole body diagnostic system called SFMA, Selective Functional Movement Assessment. It is designed to specifically identify musculoskeletal dysfunctions if a person has pain. Furthermore this assessment can identify which particular join, muscle, soft tissue/facial area is a problem or is it something else altogether, we call it stability/motor control problem. Based on results of SFMA. Dr. Bo can create the best treatment protocols for a given client. SFMA is the only well researched and standardized full body diagnostic assessment available today.
While Dr. Bo always aims to eliminate pain or discomfort, chasing pain is never the goal. Looking for the reason why we have the pain in the first place, fixing and preventing the problem from recurring again is always her ultimate goal.
Dr. Bo takes pride in that she works hard for her patients and NOT for insurance companies, therefore she does not participate or accept any insurance plan.